Tuesday, April 1, 2014

WGN Channel 9 TV Schedule for Sunday, November 6, 1983

    6:00 am                 Gerry Faust
    6:30 am                 Day of Discovery
    7:00 am                 Three Score/Community Calendar
    7:15 am                 What's Nu?
    7:30 am                 Robert Schuller
    8:00 am                 Sunday Mass
    8:30 am                 Heritage of Faith
    9:00 am                 Tarzan (rerun)
  10:00 am                 Rawhide (rerun)
  11:00 am                 Cisco Kid (rerun)
  11:30 am                 Lone Ranger (rerun)

  12 noon                  Movie   "Thank You, Mr. Moto"
    1:30 pm                Movie   "Tammy & the Millionaire"
    3:30 pm                Movie   "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
    5:30 pm                Fantasy Island (rerun)

    6:30 pm                 Taking Advantage
    7:00 pm                 Wall Street Journal Report
    7:30 pm                 In Search Of....   "Pyramid Secrets" (rerun)
    8:00 pm                 People to People
    8:30 pm                 Odd Couple (rerun)
    9:00 pm                 News
  10:00 pm                 Twilight Zone (rerun)
  10:30 pm                 Lou Grant (rerun)
  11:30 pm                 Movie   "Left Hand of God"

Early Monday, November 7, 1983
     1:30 am                At the Movies (reviewed: "The Deal of the Century", "Testament", "The Dead
                                                               Zone", & "The Osterman Weekend"; rerun)
     2:00 am                Independent Network News
     2:30 am                Sea Hunt (rerun)
     3:00 am                Zane Grey Theater (rerun)
     3:30 am                Movie   "Lucky Losers"

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