Thursday, May 8, 2014

WBKB Channel 7 TV Schedule for Saturday, September 11, 1954

          9:45 am                        Cartoon Time
        10:00 am                        Space Patrol (live)
        10:30 am                        Roundup Time   "Singing Bullets"
        11:00 am                        Family Movie Theater   "When the Lights Go On Again"

      12:30 pm                       Focal Point (film shorts)
        1:00 pm                       Saddle & Sage   "Wild Horses"
        2:00 pm                       Movie   "Isle of Forgotten Men"
        3:30 pm                       Ramar of the Jungle   "Jungle Terror"
        4:00 pm                       Smilin' Ed's Gang   "The Bear Cub"
        4:30 pm                       Superman   "Defeat of Superman"
        5:00 pm                       The Cisco Kid
        5:30 pm                       Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

      6:00 pm                     Cowboy G-Men   "Silver Fraud"
      6:30 pm                     Weekend Sports Final with Tom Duggan (live)
      7:00 pm                     Football '54 (live; a show previewing the coming pro football season)
      8:00 pm                     Saturday Night Fights (live; no contenders listed)
      8:45 pm                     Batter's Box with Jack Drees (live)
      9:00 pm                     Counterpoint
      9:30 pm                     Miss America Pageant with John Daly & Bess Myerson (live; contest for
                                                    the Miss America of 1955; winner was Lee Merriweather)
   11:00 pm                     Stars On Parade   "Argyle Secrets"

Early Sunday, September 12, 1954
  12:15 am                    Nite Owl Movie   "Heads We Go"

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