Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WBKB Channel 7 TV Schedule for Tuesday, July 27, 1954

   7:00 am                      Chicago Parade
   8:00 am                      Breakfast Club
   9:00 am                      Cookery Magic
   9:30 am                      The Pied Piper
 10:00 am                      The Play House with Angel Casey
 10:30 am                      Time for Uncle Win
 10:55 am                      News with Ulmer Turner
 11:00 am                      Danny O'Neil Show
 11:55 am                      News with Ulmer Turner

 12 noon                      Lunch with the Happy Pirates
 12:55 pm                   News
   1:00 pm                   All About Baby
   1:15 pm                   The Doctor Answers
   1:30 pm                   Claude Kirchner Show
   2:00 pm                   Stuart Brent
   2:15 pm                   Swingalong
   3:00 pm                   Home Theater   "The Old Man"
   3:30 pm                   Studio B for Bartlett
   3:55 pm                   News with Ulmer Turner
   4:00 pm                   Jungle Adventures   "Mask of Kreenah"
   4:30 pm                   Garfield Goose
   5:00 pm                   Jolly 7 Gang with Joe Kelly
   5:30 pm                   Tom Duggan
   5:45 pm                   News with Austin Kiplinger

   6:00 pm                   Sports with Jack Drees
   6:10 pm                   Weather with Wayne Griffin
   6:15 pm                   News with John Daly
   6:30 pm                   Men of Tomorrow
   7:00 pm                   Commercial
   7:10 pm                   The Focal Point
   7:30 pm                   Twenty Questions
   8:00 pm                   Make Room for Daddy
   8:30 pm                   Center Stage   "Lucky Louie"
   9:30 pm                   The Name's the Same
 10:00 pm                   Life of Riley   "Riley, the Newsboy"
 10:30 pm                   The Visitor   "From the Desk of Matthew Day"
 11:00 pm                   Ulmer Turner
 11:05 pm                   Tom Duggan

Early Wednesday, July 28, 1954
 12 midnight             Nite Owl Movie   "Buried Alive" 

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