Sunday, May 4, 2014

WNBQ Channel 5 TV Schedule for Sunday, September 5, 1954

     9:15 am                         Bible Time (live)
     9:30 am                         The Pulpit (live)   "Creature or Creator: A Labor Day Message" with
                                                                            Rabbi Ernst M. Lorge
    9:45 am                          The Christophers Program with Father James Keller & Anna Marie
 10:00 am                          Live & Learn (live; guest: Chaplain Walter D. Wagoner)
 10:30 am                          Sunday Funnies (live)
 11:00 am                          Film   "And Then There Were Four"
 11:30 am                          Feature Film (no title listed)

 12:30 pm                        Frontiers of Faith (live)
   1:00 pm                        How Does Your Garden Grow? with John Ott (live)  "Dahlias"
   1:30 pm                        U.S. National Singles Tennis Championship (live; semifinals)
   2:30 pm                        Film   "Mercy Island"
   3:30 pm                        Zoo Parade (live)   "Animal Facts & Fallacies"
   4:00 pm                        Hall of Fame (live)   "Dynamite"
   5:00 pm                        Meet the Press (live; guest: George Meany)
   5:30 pm                        Roy Rogers Show   "The Treasure of Howling Dog Canyon"

   6:00 pm                      College of Musical Knowledge (live)
   6:30 pm                      Mr. Peepers (rerun)
   7:00 pm                      Summer Comedy Hour (live; guests: Dorothy Lamour, Larry Storch,
                                                                                    Nat "King" Cole, & Gene Sheldon)
  8:00 pm                       Television Playhouse (live)   "Run Like a Thief"
  9:00 pm                       Loretta Young Show   "Dr. Juliet"
  9:30 pm                       The Hunter   "The Man Who Dropped In"
10:00 pm                       The Weatherman (live)
10:10 pm                       Dorsey Connors Show (live) "Quick Party Decorations for Labor Day"
10:15 pm                       News with Alex Dreier (live)
10:30 pm                       The Big Playback
10:45 pm                       Sports Star Time (live)
11:00 pm                       Eleventh Hour Theater   "The Trial of Dr. Jordan"

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