Monday, March 10, 2014

WNBQ Channel 5 TV Schedule for Sunday, July 25, 1954

   9:15 am                   Bible Time  "Nabal & Abigail"
   9:30 am                   The Pulpit with Rabbi Shlomo Z. Fineberg   "God's Heterogeneous World"
   9:45 am                   Christopher Program (guest: Frank Fay)
 10:00 am                   Live & Learn   "Man & Religion"
 10:30 am                   Sunday Funnies
 11:00 am                   The Big Picture
 11:30 am                   Silver Screen Theater   "Fighting Stallion"

 12:30 pm                  Frontiers of Faith   "Evangelism"
   1:00 pm                  How Does Your Garden Grow? with John Ott
   1:30 pm                  Film   "Trail of Vengeance"
   2:30 pm                  Film   "Faith, Hope, & Hogan"
   3:00 pm                 American Forum of the Air   "What Has the 83rd Congress Accomplished?"
   4:00 pm                 On the Farm
   5:00 pm                 Meet the Press (guest: Sen. Homer Capehart[R-IN])
   5:30 pm                 Roy Rogers Show   "Doc Stevens' Traveling Store"

   6:00 pm                 College of Musical Knowledge
   6:30 pm                 Mr. Peepers
   7:00 pm                 Summer Comedy Hour (guests: Pearl Bailey, Bobby Van, Gene Sheldon, & Jack
  8:00 pm                 Television Playhouse   "The Catamaran"
  9:00 pm                 Dollar A Second
  9:30 pm                 The Hunter   "Puzzle of Pier No. 90"
10:00 pm                 The Weatherman
10:10 pm                 Dorsey Connors Show   "Wicker Baskets for Decorative Purposes"
10:15 pm                 News with Alex Dreier
10:30 pm                 The Big Playback
10:45 pm                 Sports Star Time
11:00 pm                 Eleventh Hour Theater   "Medal for the General"

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