Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WBKB Channel 7 TV Schedule for Wednesday, July 28, 1954

   7:00 am                   Chicago Parade with Chuck Bill
   8:00 am                   Breakfast Club
   9:00 am                   Cookery Magic
   9:30 am                   The Pied Piper
 10:00 am                   The Play House with Angel Casey
 10:30 am                   Time for Uncle Win
 10:55 am                   Ulmer Turner
 11:00 am                   Danny O'Neil Show
 11:55 am                   News

 12 noon                   Lunch with the Happy Pirates
 12:55 pm                News with Ulmer Turner
   1:00 pm                All About Baby
   1:15 pm                The Doctor Answers
   1:30 pm                Claude Kirchner Show
   2:00 pm                Cooking School
   3:00 pm                Home Theater   "The Perfect Alibi"
   3:30 pm                Studio B for Bartlett
   3:55 pm                News
   4:00 pm                Jungle Adventures   "Cameras In the Wilderness"
   4:30 pm                Garfield Goose
   5:00 pm                Jolly 7 Gang
   5:30 pm                Tom Duggan
   5:45 pm                News with Austin Kiplinger

   6:00 pm                Sports with Jack Drees
   6:10 pm                Your Weather
   6:15 pm                News with John Daly
   6:30 pm                Soldier Parade with Arlene Francis
   7:00 pm                Theater   "Fear In the Night"
   8:00 pm                Theater   "Operation Riviera"
   8:30 pm                Wrestling: Francois Miquet vs. Big Bill Miller
 10:00 pm                Double Date:   "This Will Kill You" &  "Solitaire"
 11:00 pm                Ulmer Turner
 11:05 pm                Tom Duggan

Early Thursday, July 29, 1954
 12 midnight          Nite Owl Movie   "Baby Face Morgan"
   5:00 pm               

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