Friday, March 14, 2014

WBKB Channel 7 TV Schedule for Saturday, March 11, 1967

  12 noon                    Hoppity Hooper
  12:30 pm                  American Bandstand
    1:00 pm                  Press Internationale   "The Future of Gallism"
    2:00 pm                  Metro Talk
    2:30 pm                  Professional Bowlers' Tour: $37,000 Greater Buffalo PBA Open
    4:00 pm                 World of Sports
    5:30 pm                 News with Joe Templeton

    6:00 pm                ABC Scope
    6:30 pm                Dating Game with Jim Lange
    7:00 pm                Newlywed Game with Bob Eubanks
    7:30 pm                Lawrence Welk
    8:30 pm                Hollywood Palace with Kate Smith (guests: Jimmy Dean & Tim Conway)
    9:30 pm                American Swingaround
  10:00 pm                News, Weather, Sports
  10:15 pm                Movie   "King of Kings"

Early Sunday, March 12, 1967
   1:25 am               Kup's Show (guests: Sen. Gaylord Nelson[D-WI], Bod Thomas, Sheilah Graham,
                                                      David Ben-Gurion, D. Franklin Littell, & Donald K. Bruce)

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